Part two of slow travel Scotland. Read what to do and where to stay to unwind at the pace of the northern Scottish highlands and Sutherland.
Travel advice for who seeks to spend slow time perusing Perthshire in Central Scotland. Where to stay, what to do, and where to eat.
The national bread of the Republic of Georgia: Khachapuri, a veganized recipe dedicated to all plant-based eaters and bread enthusiasts.
A short story with a photographic essay about London. Slow travel diary entries and personal reflections on the UK capital.
Pages from our mindful slow travel journal. The destination: Venice, under the sun, in the late summer's heat.
Maybe you've had enough of the chaos of Rome and wish to venture out on the hillside for a day of outstanding food and relax. Head to Umbria.
What to know and be prepared for before heading out to Iceland. Our 7 travel advice based on person experience.
The final stage of our first trip through Central Europe. A return to simpler times, in touch with nature, people, and yourself.
Part two of our trip through Central Europe. The journey back to the Middle Ages continues with a visit to this UNESCO World Heritage site.